Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Some updates

OK, I apparently didn't post an update after my last public skating session, and I need to catch up on some stuff anyway, so here goes.

Friday's public skating session didn't go particularly well or badly.  Crossovers are still a problem. I'm not getting any push out of them most of the time, although I'm at least stepping over consistently instead of just sort of stumbling.  Backwards skating continues to improve very slowly.  I can get some sort of swizzle going most of the time.  I did some asking around online and watched some more videos, and I *think* I know what I'm doing wrong there (pushing more with the middle of the foot/heel rather than putting weight on the toe), but it's hard to know until I get out on the ice and try it.

I've been "practicing" my crossovers and stretching my ankles out every day, but just in bare feet on carpet.  I think it's helping? I'm getting a better idea of what I want my feet to do, and how to keep my body balanced as I do it.  And my ankles are definitely getting more comfortable with being rolled into the edge positions.

I wasn't able to go either Monday or Tuesday because of some family scheduling complications. I'm *really* hoping that means I can go tomorrow and get a practice session in for the morning before the next lesson in the evening. I really don't want to go into class without getting more comfortable with both forward crossovers and backward skating.

Tomorrow's class is the 4th out of 8, so we're not even halfway home.  It will also mark exactly four weeks since the first time I stepped onto the ice. Given that, I think I'm coming along pretty nicely.

I am beginning to strongly consider repeating the class. I know at least one of my classmates is doing that this semester.  I'm not sure if there's a pass/fail element like there is with the kids' ice-skating class, so it may not even be up to me.  But I think it'd be good for me regardless, and the ice time is cheaper than paying for extra public sessions.  I'd be taking that in addition to taking the intro to adult hockey skills, the next step in the progression.

I'm a little annoyed to have found out that the Beginner League that logically follows those classes is not quite on the same schedule as the rest of the leagues. and the next season actually starts Feb. 6.  That's earlier than I thought, and I just don't think I can be ready by then.  Not just skating skills, but also putting together all the equipment and paying the league fees. That's a beating on my wallet I wouldn't mind spreading out a bit better than that.  But the next one wouldn't start until late May or June, and that's later than I hoped to wait.

But unless the next month and a half goes way better than I expect in terms of skill development, I'll probably just wait.  I really don't like being the worst at anything, and I'd rather really feel comfortable in my first experience than rush myself out there.  Maybe if I feel comfortable I can play some drop-in next spring while I wait.

Speaking of beating on my wallet, the equipment accumulation continues. I found a nice clearance deal on a helmet ($30) in my size at the local rink store, so I'm now the proud owner of a Bauer IMS 5.0 with full face shield (and anyone who doesn't like an adult wearing a face shield can offer to pay my dental bills and plastic surgery if something happens).

Then tonight, I finally found a pair of cheap shoulder pads at Ice Warehouse that I was able to combine with their 25% promo code and free shipping to get them down to under $25.  They are CCM RBZ 90 senior mediums, and that should work for me according to their sizing chart.  While I was there, I picked up a practice jersey with the same 25% off to get it down to $10.  Just a simple black Bauer 200 large (I really was tempted to go with medium, but with my weight I didn't want to risk the tight gut look, I can always buy smaller later if I need to. The length they gave for medium just didn't *quite* seem long enough).  I went with number 61 on the back, no name, and they offered to knock $3 off if I put an Ice Warehouse logo on the front and back. Given that I actually do really like them (they've twice offered a low-end entry model that other sites didn't seem to have, and they offer free overnight shipping to my state, and seem to have good promo codes) and it's just a practice jersey, that sounded fine to me and paid for the number customization.

So that gives me helmet, jersey, gloves, elbows, shins and skates.  The only big pieces I have left to get are hockey pants and a stick. Oh, and a bag, but I'm probably just going to try to find a big cheap gym bag rather than a dedicated hockey bag.  Then there's a bunch of small stuff: jock, mouthguard, various tapes, who knows what else when I start picking it all out.  But we're getting there.

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